
There will be a regular meeting on 12/18/2017 for all cadets at the 911 Center.  Phase 1, remember your notebooks, a black pen (or two) and water.  Phase 2 be prepared for PT and remember this is your last opportunity to pay your yearly dues.  It must be a check for $37 made out to the Boy Scouts of America.

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There will be a regular meeting on 12/11/2017 for all cadets at the 911 Center.  Phase 1, remember your notebooks, a black pen (or two) and water.  Phase 2 be prepared for PT and remember to bring your yearly dues.  It must be a check for $37 made out to the Boy Scouts of America

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Re-chartering for 2018 has begun.  The registration fee will be $37 and the check needs to be made out to Boy Scouts of America.  The checks MUST be given to an Advisor no later than the 12/18/2017 meeting or you will not be able to be registered.  If you no longer wish to be part of the program, please email […]

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There will be a regular meeting on 12/4/2017 for all cadets at the 911 Center.  Phase 1, remember your notebooks, a black pen (or two) and water.  Phase 2 be prepared for PT and this month’s lesson on building clearing.  If you want to participate in mock, you MUST be present.

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