There will be a regular Cadet meeting tomorrow night 1830 at the 911 Center.
Read moreThere will be a regular Cadet meeting tomorrow night 1830 at the 911 Center.
Read moreThere will be regular Cadet meeting tonight at the 911 Center. Phase one Cadets you must have a black pen to take your midterm.
Read moreAll Sheriff’s Cadets: Please bring your leftover fundraiser tickets and any money to tonight’s meeting so we can close out this fundraiser. Thank you.
Read moreThere will be a regular Cadet meeting tomorrow night at the 911 Center. The pancake breakfast yesterday morning was an absolute success. Thank you to everybody who came out to help and support the program.
Read moreThis afternoon’s fundraiser meeting at the sheriff’s office will be cancelled because of the state of emergency. All Phase 1 and Phase 2 Cadets available to work at the fundraiser on Saturday will report to the Carmel fire house at 0700 hours. Uniform of the day is your Cadet t-shirt BTUs, or slacks no jeans or sweatpants, and black boots […]
Read moreOn Thursday, March 8th, there will be a meeting for All Phase 1 and Phase 2 Sheriff’s Cadets interested in helping with this weekend’s fundraiser. Interested Cadets are to report to the main lobby of the Putnam County Sheriff’s Department at 1630 hrs. The meeting should not last longer then a half hour or so.
Read moreIt is the policy of the Putnam County Sheriff’s Cadets that when Carmel Central School District is closed our meeting will be canceled. Since that is the case, the meeting for tomorrow night will be canceled. There will be a meeting later on this week for all Cadets interested in helping with the fundraiser this coming weekend. Once I can […]
Read moreThere will be a regular Cadet meeting tomorrow night at the 911 Center.
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